kih nyaknya (aka TMNET throttled down rapidshare download)
Thursday, 5 November 2009
i was in the office working my ass out when suddenly my YM spat out another popup box onto my already full of YM-boxes desktop(disclaimer: i was working like hell...not fooling around :D)...and it went something like this:
jantan malang: buzz
jantan malang: woi mung kena virus, nnatang
betik bertuah: doh bakpe dok bang?
jantan malang: bang mung
betik bertuah: virus guana pulok?
jantan malang: slow nok mapuh...jok mmareng
betik bertuah: line mung aa tu...dok pon kih mung donlod blue...mahathir marah
jantan malang: kalu blue dakper...slow pon aku tebeng gok tunggu...nin aku donlod berita perdana...wat bbabi apa tunggu lama2
jantan malang: pah ceroh 5kb/s
betik bertuah: ke kih mung dok ingat tambat kambing..ssakuk gok tu
jantan malang: aku donlod guna megaupload nge mediafire ok je nin
jantan malang: dok pah kuaner pulok khakah nin..aku repih gok kaki ayang nin
betik bertuah: ada moksu mitok sign atah dahi sakni
jantan malang: tingga kijer mung tu..setel hok aku dulu..kalu x, aku pulok wi kaki celoh rusuk
betik bertuah: jap
jantan malang: mung klebek mende lama2..berat nanang
betik bertuah: jap aa ceper
betik bertuah: aku try donlod...bereh je nin boh
jantan malang: mung try donlod mende ning
jantan malang: [donlod link]
betik bertuah: bereh gok
jantan malang: @^!&!76%*8 [deleted for the high degree of profanities...a lot of it]
betik bertuah: aku try tengok dulu...waner2 aku ym mung
jantan malang: terbaek broooo
jantan malang: nasib baik aku bukang gay...kalu dok aku ambik doh mung wat jd laki
betik bertuah: mung jadi bapok mekap lawo2 pon aku tak mboh
[the rest of the conversation was about how to make a donkey fly...we concluded a donkey really can't fly...there's no flying donkey like the rumor goes *sigh*]
finished up my work chores, then it was the time to dust my brain off...jeez, haven't used it for a long time...
i ventured, it's gotta had something to do with TMNet throttling down their customers'(read victims') bandwidth when downloading from certain sites in order to keep their ass clean and maybe rapidshare had hit the jackpot...i'd asked him to use IP address instead of the usual domain address...after exchanged a hell lot of 'nnatang', 'brayok' and whatnot (he was really a dolt...can't help but to swear to get him through...haha), we managed to get the engine running on the full throttle...
apparently, our deary TMNet are throwing a nasty party in certain places...Sri Permasuri is one of them...
luckily, they were just playing with domain name if you're one of the poor TMNet bandwith leechers, try this:
1) get the actual download link...(e.g: "" its domain is "")
2) now, go get its can ping its domain to determine its IP...or you could use any website that offers this kind of service (e.g:
3) substitute the domain name with its IP...(e.g: so your new actual download link is: ""
4) enjoy your download
but what if i wanted to batch my downloads, you really will be damned with tiresome chores of CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+f*****C, CTRL+f***** the end of the day, you'll be running out of profanities...running out of wits, that's ok...but running out of profanities?...that's horrible with capital A!!..
pucker up and kiss this:
(things in mind: i've abandonned Orbit...and so have Aria2C...rapidshare hates them and would suspend your account if you were sharing your rapidshare account and having some downloads from multiple i'm a IDM's slave..drats!)
1) i assumed you had setup your "site login" option in IDM and turned on the "Automatically start downloading of URLs placed to clipboard"
2) make a it whatever you want...start a notepad and copy this into it and save it to the folder as a batch file(with .bat extension): ====================================================================================@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set progFile=%ProgramFiles%
if not "[%ProgramFiles(x86)%]"=="[]" set progFile=%ProgramFiles(x86)%
if not exist export.txt (echo no exported download lists file&&goto :end)
start "" "%progFile%\Internet Download Manager\idman.exe"
for /f %%a in (export.txt) do call :getHostByName %%a
set /p startDownload=Start the download queue? [Y^|N]:
if "%startDownload%"=="N" goto :end
if "%startDownload%"=="n" goto :end
if "%startDownload%"=="Y" goto :beginDownload
if "%startDownload%"=="y" goto :beginDownload
echo Invalid input
goto :startQ
"%progFile%\Internet Download Manager\idman.exe" /s
echo ...done...
goto :eof
set url=%1
for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%p in ('echo %url%') do set hostname=%%p
for /f "tokens=2 delims=@" %%q in ('echo %hostname%') do if %%q neq 0 set hostname=%%q
for /f "tokens=4 delims=: " %%r in ('ping -n 1 %hostname%^|find /i "Statistics"') do set url=!url:%hostname%=%%r!
"%progFile%\Internet Download Manager\idman.exe" /a /d !url!
goto :eof
if you were lazy(doh! who's not?), the download link for the batch file is at the bottom of this entry
3) copy your links of download and your IDM will initiate your batch download automatically...put them in your "main download" queue but don't start the download yet...
4) export your download as a text file to the folder that contains the batch it "export.txt"
i.e: Tasks>>Export>>To text file and select "Export Download Queue"
5) delete the download list in the IDM that you'd exported
6) double-click the batch file...when the whole download list were pumped in into the IDM, the batch file will ask whether you want to start the download...choose "no" to download later...or "yes" to start it immediately
7) can delete the exported text file of download list if you want...
so that's it: copy download links, export, delete, run batch file, enjoy...
it'll be simpler had anyone generous enough to make a php file for this and host it on his website...i bet it's gonna be just 2-steps task...paste, click and that 3 steps?..nevermind...
don't ask me for that one..i'm a cheap bastard who are not willing to pay to any web-hosting provider to host my shikes...haha
besides, i'm not a php monkey...i'm a monkey poacher...arrrg!!
and here comes the junk...i know that...just suck on it :D...url:
//P1 Wimax?...unlimited package mahal per cih...ohoho
p/w: plpohbetik
size: 2kb
4 orang sesat:
mun tulih panjang2 lasung x layang
mung tukang donlod aku, beng nok kehel kut lain, aku bayo gaji mun wak mende hahha
akaka khakah.. lama dop guna
mung tlong vote melaka... T_T
hidup lg blog nih.. br je nk tulis obituary ;))
ps: wani, u've got my vote dear