"gok pahtu"
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
those were the days when i despised anything that had mainstream's scent-mark all over and revered everything that came from 'under the ground'...the days where fanzines were abundant that had somewhat inspired many teenagers like me...the days when me and others were trying hard to give something back to the scene...the days when we enjoyed living on the fast lane shouting "punk not death"...
then came a simple guy with strong character who had put me where i stand today...this is a tribute(edit: couldn't find 'the cassette'...zzz)....in memory...
to Miji(1974-2009)...al-Fatihah...
//"always share, always dare"
edit: forgot to put the nostalgic advert as a remembrance to him..."oh! kau nyamuk"...
12 orang sesat:
Al-Fatihah untuk beliau & semoga ruh dicucuri rahmat Allah s.w.t
A great guy. Al-Fatihah -Bulek-
Miji abg Judin ke? Al-Fatihah
al-Fatihah utknya
Innalillah & al-Fatihah
@bullek: sry bro ko trn trg ritu aku xde..aku pegi bom nagasaki aritu...
@mat drak: yup...
Nak pegi bunuh diri pun agak2 la. Dah la ko dah macam lailatul-qadar dah pun. Tunggu pokok sujud bqru boleh jumpa. Nasib aku tak upah Tuyu kasi santau sama lu aritu. Takut kalah snooker ka? Ha ha. Apa2 pun, no prob ajib. Calling2 la. No. baru aku kar idang musibat tu. Aku ingatkan dia dah bagi. Makin teruk malaria budak tu benda kecik pun lupa. Ha ha.
p/s: 'the cassette' refers 2 what? -Bullek-
sori bro.. bkn lupa... aku silap bg kat unta kut.. muka dia dah lbih kurang unta firaun.. mcm mana aku tak silap...
skrg gak aku bg.. haha
ajib aku waser2x arwah ada sipang keset tu kut.. try tnya bining dia
gila rare iklang tuh.. mmana mung ketek? truh ingak ke arwah..
@bullek: aku dpt msg idang trus aku on9...nmpak x aku punya wali haha...alasan idang mmg xleh pakai.aku sumpah buntut dia berdarah br tau wahaha...
ko dtg sini nnti aku citer hikayat cassette tu...panjang nk citer 20butir pon x abih...haha
@idang: xdop..aku tnya doh..nnti citer...
R.I.P... Al-Fatihah