ada rokak tak dak colak

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

there was a reading corner at the back of my classroom back in 1907 BC when the head of our tribe was trying to put an end to our tudung oren, batang aiskrim and whatever rituals religiously practised whenever the brightest of us all, a girl of course, was given the fatal stint...managing the the time the corner was officially openned, she supposed to be dead...twice...

a teacher had her intelligence buried alive 1 day before the corner ceremonial opening for her sin in writing a blasphemous signboard: "Buang Kasut"...digging her wits out of the grave, she ran to the corner and wrote something on the sign: "Buanglah Kasut"...moments later, the teacher laughed her to death...

later that day, we were forced to believe the sign should be: "Tanggalkan Kasut"...what the hell!! Trengganuspeak, "tanggal" means peel off, ...a shoe should be 'taken off' or 'removed' so "Buang kasut" is the right thing to say..we never glue shoes to our feet so that we can peel them off!!...where's the common sense, you megalomaniac outsiders!...haha...
and uh! thanks to the misleading sign, we had to tanggal kasut to practice our batang aiskrim betting game there :D...

okay..i heard a cacophonic voice saying that "buang" means "throw away"...that's ridiculously nonsense...
throw away = tohok...take off/remove = buang...
throw away the rubbish...buang sampah itu...tohok sapoh tu...
take off your shirt...tanggalkan baju anda...pecak baju mung...
take off your shoes...tanggalkan kasut anda...buang kasut mung...
the paint has peeled itu sudah tertanggal...cak tu ttangga doh...
don't you see how graceful Trengganuspeak is?...

in Terengganuspeak and non-Trengganuspeak alike, kadang means "at times"...or in form of reduplication (i.e: "kadang-kadang") which means "sometimes"..."kadang" is often ellegantly contracted to "dang" in Trengganuspeak...but we Trengganese are 3 steps ahead of you guys...
put at the end of a sentence, it means a strong "but"-"tapi" (a strong contrast/denial/certainty of a matter):
he doesn't eat veggies, but I do - dia dok makang sayo, aku makang dang

used with "tapi" to create a paradox:
i don't eat raw veggies, but i love nasi kerabu - aku dok makang ulang, tapi aku suka nasik khabu dang

paired with gok(jugak), now it means nevertheless:
that veggie tastes awful, but I ate it nevertheless - sayo tu dok sedak lasung, tapi aku makang gok dang

let's see more complex example..
hanyar is "bersepah"(messy)...but when used at the end of a sentence in Trengganuspeak, that's to depict unexpected occation with an irony, and at the same time jestly condemning the audience/object/event/etc...
(let say Samad was full with energy just now, but somehow, he's now Abu didn't expect that and that's ironic for Samad to feel tired so Abu is making a jest about that)
Samat: aku dok rok doh ni - aku dah tak larat ni - I'm tired
Abu: dok rok hanyar - aik, dah tak larat?..pelik tu...teruk betul kau ni - tired already?..that's awful are you

see?...we don't have to add additional sentences to show what we really mean in Trengganuspeak...just a simple hanyar and you're done...furthermore, "teruk betul kau ni" isn't always in jestly mood...but hanyar sometimes, the speaker has to add another "aku gurau je la" to express his/her mood...can't you see how pathetic they are? :D

it's time for Trengganuspeak to replace Standardspeak(bahasa skema :D) as the Malaysian national language...the beauty of Trengganuspeak coupled with its vast vocabulary, advanced grammar rules, clever expression and many other things makes Trengganuspeak reign supreme over any Malaysian dialect even standardspeak...wahaha

//aku gi bbundle petang takdi, kasut docmart takdok hanyar...aku ada beli kasut converse dang...aku dak yoh buang kasut dak pe masuk rumoh mung ning sebak dok kotor lagi tapok dia..hahaha

3 orang sesat:

lily 11 July 2009 at 15:24  

susang belajang bahasang mung ning kekeke

syuk 15 July 2009 at 17:11  

aku xleh bayang org baca brita dalang bahsa ganun wakaka...

plpoh.betik 17 July 2009 at 01:02  

@lily: apsal 'kekeke'...'kengkengkeng' la...wahah

@syuk: pahtu subtitle citer pon ccakak tegahanung..rama bunuh diri aku waser kih xdang mmikir pah ke suk...wahaha

aku nok bbeta!!

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