Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Malaysia, the land of many lands..
ready, steady, go! below the of the white of the hornbills...
pit stop, go! of Che Siti Wan of nine of grace...
cruise on! of of the jokers...
ok stop! what was the last one? of jokers??...who the hell are you talking nonsense playing the smart-arse here?...
ok kids, let me insult your intelligent...
have you ever heard of singgang?...nope?...owh! that's ok...
Tok Imam Lapar, ring a bell?..nah! i bet you have no idea...
how about ghudung-ghadang?...don't sweat...i know it's a tough one...
hmm..this is going's what's of the jokers == Terengganu...or Teghanung in Terengganuspeak..surprised?
lemme explain...sit tight, put on your helmet and buckle's for your mind's really don't wanna lose it :D..
if you travelled accross Teghanung, you could see many smiling faces all over the place if not laughing out loud...
at kedai kopi, wet-markets, on the staircases(yup! we despise escalators up until recently :D)...
men, women, she-males(who said there're only 2 genders wandering around Teghanung? :D)...
fishermen, dentists, bank-robbers, taxi pullers(you called it tri-shaw, we named it your face, strangers :D)...
huh! you should get the idea by now...we're the bunch of happy people for a good reason...jokes..
the legend has it, orang Teghanung are the direct decendents of the greatest ancient quipsters...we're born to laugh and make's in our you really think we chosed a clownfish as the SUKMA 2008 mascot for nothing?...think again...haha
we've got a building with a hell lot of sense of humour right here at the very heart of Kuala Terengganu too!..ask any Trengganese about a legendary building called KT Mall and ask how many years it took to build that monument..10 bloody years!!...we had managed to salvage the ancient art of pyramid making from the tomb of King Tut ibni an-Khamen, applied its theory of Snail Speed Construction and named the buiding after him...we proudly present you *drum rolls* the King Tut Mall (KT Mall)...
ok! that isn't funny at all for non-Teghanung folks...but hey, we could pull every jokes out of that buidling...the name, the look, the location, how many workers to construct KT Mall, the area with respect to the time taken to build it...just name it..KT Mall, the only building which could tell jokes...hah!
and we're the only creeping creatures with flippers who could play football...note that it's FOOTball and we've got flippers!!...because of the speed constraint, we're the master of peteh...can you imagine, 11 sea turtles all dressed up in football attire flapping the ball around crawling all over the pitch tackling anything that's moving?...isn't it hillarious?...heh! we really live by the line "football is fun"...
but being a joker isn't always a pleasant path...everybody tend to expect you to joke around, perpetually making fool out of when you tired of it and you wanna call it a day, they will pull a joke on you hoping for more mirths...that's what federal government did!...
"here's your choo-choo train...not!" Trengganese, always in happy spirits, laughed...
"we're thinking of constructing a railroad network in Terengganu...not!"...again, we laughed at the grim joke...
but the thing is, it isn't funny anymore after 52 years getting the same 'ol joke...
so there you go...
did i mentioned we're also known as "the land of surprises"?...
maybe i sounded like i was making a gibe about my own beloved state..nay! i was merely looking to the other side of the coin, save that i flipped the coin far too hard it fell a mile away from making any sense...wahaha
//Teghanung identity is on the wane...that's kind of what i'm getting at
2 orang sesat:
woh mun kata ke ganun..aku royak ke mat said boh kg aku haha..patut mun xboh royak mun ada blog. nasib mat drak kabo ke aku. ceper cicoh telu nguh haha
aku xboh kena fitnah..wahaha